Megan Nay is the daughter of Gigi Worley, our long time massage therapist at Essence.
Megan was diagnosed with stage 3A invasive breast cancer in May of 2021, at the age of 36. She began chemo in June 2021 and had a mastectomy in December followed by radiation. The challenges have been great, and the news has not been all good. The journey is long, and she continues to wake up to fight every day.
In support of all who are fighting MBC, Gigi and Megan have asked that you consider donating to:
Breast cancer fundraisers are everywhere, but most of the money
raised goes toward prevention and early detection efforts.
Only 2-3% is dedicated toward research for Stage IV, metastatic breast cancer.
When you donate to, 100% of your donation goes toward supporting grants for metastatic breast cancer research.