Out with the Cold!

By Kim Taylor, owner & stylist at Essence At long last, “spring” has arrived and I am READY! I am done with boots and heavy coats. I NEED skirts and sandals. I know we still have a few cold spells and gray days to muddle through, but I just can’t

Lash Savvy

By Kim Taylor Of all the services available in the world of beauty, the ones that render immediate results are the favorites. In October 2018, we added eye lash extensions to our service offerings and clients are loving it! In fact, we spend a good amount of time describing and

Après Ski Massage

By Kim Taylor, Owner of Essence Welcome Colorado winter! Ski and riding season are in full swing, and we have had some pretty impressive early season ski conditions. While there are a lot of different types of ski and snow boarders out there, one thing we all have in common

Fall Transitions- From Hot Weather to Hotter Style

By Kim Taylor Farewell summer; autumn is waiting in the wings, and if history proves right, the need for change and reinvention is also on the horizon for many of us. This is a perfect time of year to try something new and exciting with your look. Warm, luscious hair

The Skinny on Spray Tans

By Kim Taylor   I gave up UV tanning beds a long time ago, even before I started worrying about skin cancer. I always burned, and my skin was ALWAYS itchy and dry. I’ve tried every type of self-tanner you can imagine; cheap brands from Wal-Mart and not-so-cheap brands from

The Value of Massage

By Kim Taylor, Owner of Essence Massage is often thought of as a special treat, something we reward ourselves with after a rough spell or when we are on vacation. Massage can feel luxurious, but most importantly, it offers a wide range of benefits such as boosting the immune system,

Getting What You Want

By Kim Taylor It’s happened to all of us at one time or another. We state what we want in a way that seems very clear to us, but we get something different than what we are absolutely sure we asked for. This happens all the time in our everyday

Healthy Skin is Not Seasonal

by Kim Taylor Just like that, 2017 is over. Welcome, 2018, I can hardly wait to see what you have in store! At home (my home), there is a frenzy of organizing and goal setting that keeps me busy. At work it’s business as usual, which is anything but “usual”

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

By Kim Taylor It’s official. The holidays are coming and they are closing in fast! Some of you are already busy preparing, and some of you are about to become very busy, in a frantic sort of way. As much as I love the holidays, I never seem to pull

Making Time to Relax and Unwind

By Kim Taylor, owner and stylist I’ve been a busy bee my whole life. I always have something brewing and a list of what’s next. Between career, family, school activities, doctor’s appointments, etc. I am swamped. I love to be busy and I am happy in my life, but I