Sanitas Antioxidant Moisturizer
15 % OFF
and a chance to win a complimentary
Brighten Up & Brow Service!
Brighten Up & Brow is a brow wax enhanced with a cleanse, moisturizing facial massage and sunscreen. Perfect for a busy schedule, this is a short but sweet pampering you absolutely must experience!
(Winner will be drawn at the end of the month)
Picked by
Serissa Asta
Esthetician and Lightworker
Why do I love it?
I love the way Antioxidant Moisturizer makes my skin feel deeply hydrated all day long. It also keeps my skin looking plump and kissed with a glow.
How to use it: ยท Use it in the morning alone and at night paired with Image ACE serum (or your favorite serum) as an extra boosted night cream.